We will be seeding native grasses and forbs. In addition to previous plantings last fall, we will be adding to the establishment of native species. Encouraging these native species will compete with the invasive species to limit their populations. As well as serving as important resources for native pollinators! Species in the mix include arrowleaf balsamroot, silky lupine, common yarrow, big seed biscuitroot, Idaho fescue, and great basin wild rye. You might be wondering – why are we spreading seed in the winter? Native seeds spread with the broadcast method (the method we’ll use) need something to anchor to, a cushion of moisture to make sure they settle in and anchor properly before sprouting. Snow provides a good moisture buffer! Seed for native grasses and forbs are best spread in the winter so it can really anchor into the soil before it starts to grow. So we’ve chosen mid-January as our seeding window. This will mean fairly unpredictable weather! We’ll seed rain, snow, or shine so please plan accordingly!
We’ll send an email to registered volunteers the week of the work party, but here’s a little information to put on your calendar:
Date and Time: Saturday, January 14th, 2023. 9:00am-Noon (might end earlier).
Location: Waikiki Springs Nature Preserve. Trailhead location: HERE
Time Schedule :
- 8:45-9:00am – Meet Staff at the Waikiki Springs Nature Preserve Trailhead
- 9:00am – Walk down to lowland planting areas where we will be spreading the seeds.
- 9:30-9:45am – Begin seed spreading orientation.
- 9:45am – Seed native planting areas.
- 12:00pm – Wrap up and head out! (Although we may end earlier if lots of people sign up to help!)
We will provide:
- Refreshments (hot beverages, drinking water, and donuts)
- Grass seed
- Gloves, if you want to use them
You should bring:
- Weather-appropriate clothing
• Sturdy hiking boots or shoes - A reusable bag (like for your groceries!) or 5-gallon bucket to carry your seed in while you spread it
- Hard rake, if you have one
We look forward to seeing you all there!