Nov. 12th – Native Wildflower Re-Seeding at Palisades City Park

November 12, 2022 9:00 am 40

Helping Hands to Soothe the Burn

In late August, 42 acres of Palisades City Park burned in a wildfire. The WA State Department of Natural Resources has installed ponderosa pine seedlings to start the re-development of the canopy, but sowing native grass and forb seed will help with the recovery of the area too! The Friends of Palisades and Inland Northwest Land Conservancy, in partnership with Spokane Parks and Recreation Department, are asking our nature-loving communities to come together to fling some seed with us to soothe the burn at Palisades! This will be a great project for families to join!

Seed for native grasses and forbs are best spread in the winter so it can really anchor into the soil before it starts to grow. So we’ve chosen mid-November as our seeding window. This will mean fairly unpredictable weather! We’ll seed rain, snow, or shine so please plan accordingly!

We’ll send an email to registered volunteers the week of the work party, but here’s a little information to put on your calendar:

Date: Saturday, November 12th, 2022

Location: (City Gate at Greenwood & Old Rimrock Drive),-117.4848902/@47.6545981,-117.4845177,373m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!4m1!3e0


  • 8:20-8:45am – Arrive at the City gate (see map link above) and drive one mile north to the burned area. Volunteers will let you through the gate with your vehicle!
  • 9:00am – Seed flinging orientation with volunteer leads
  • 12:00pm – Wrap up and head out! (although we may end earlier if lots of people sign up to help!)

We will provide:

  • Refreshments (hot beverages, drinking water, and donuts)
  • Grass seed
  • Gloves, if you want to use them

You should bring:

  • Weather-appropriate clothing
  • Sturdy hiking boots or shoes
  • A reusable bag (like for your groceries!) to carry your seed in while you spread it
  • Hard rake, if you have one