INLC’s Waikiki Springs Nature Preserve property lies along the north side of the Little Spokane River near Fairwood. It’s very diverse in vegetation, wildlife, and geologically and contains an extensive trail network. The property is loved and appreciated and used by public trail users, local tribes, and wildlife, and the Conservancy strives to further protect and enhance the important habitats present on the property that are frequented by so many.
The Conservancy purchased the property in late 2020 for the purpose of habitat protection and careful public use. One of the important facets of habitat protection and enhancement and safe public use is good forest management. Good forest management will mitigate the risk of disease, reduce the risk of severe drought, limit the impact and severity of wildfire, diversify the understory, and reduce risks for public trail users.
Our work on the 5th will focus on thinning out doghair ponderosa pines using hand tools like hand saws and loppers. “Doghair” refers to trees that are growing densely in a small area. Thinning them allows each remaining tree to have the resources it needs to thrive and reduces the likelihood of diseases or parasites compromising their health. It also allows more sunlight to reach the understory, which provide important food sources and cover for wildlife.
We’ll meet at the Waikiki Springs trailhead at 9am, and likely wrap up and be back at the trailhead by 3pm. Please bring a lunch and plenty of water, along with a face covering, appropriate layers, and sturdy hiking shoes/boots. INLC will provide all necessary tools and gloves.