May 11 Philosophical Hiking – Rimrock

May 11, 2024 9:00 am 12

Volunteer hike docent, Bob Ganahl, will lead a hike at Rimrock View Trial and Park on Saturday, May 11th starting at 9am. For the past twenty years Bob Ganahl has enjoyed the Inland Northwest’s great outdoors. A retired teacher, he nowadays skis when there’s snow and backpacks when there isn’t. He is equally enamored of all four seasons outside.

Click here to access the reading for this hike: Thinking like a Mountain

This 3 mile hike will take approximately 2 hours to complete. Make sure to check the weather the day of the hike.The walk is mostly flat, but wear comfortable hiking shoes. Bring water and clothing appropriate to the day’s weather.

When: Saturday, May 11th starting at 9am

Where: Rimrock View Park (Map it)

2-198 S Rimrock Drive
Spokane, Washington 99224
United States