See bios from all our current hike docents below. All docent’s contact information is included in bio if you have questions, want to share tips or co-lead a hike!
Information from your bios will be used to promote your hikes! Your contact information will only be shared with hike attendees prior to hike date.
Mark Merhab
Mark moved from Ohio in 1979 to work as a Forester in the Yaak River area of NW Montana. In the late 80s Mark went back to school for an Electronics degree from NIC. Mark was able to travel to many places around the world working in the Hi-Tech industry until he retired in 2020.
Mark has hiked, mountaineered, skied, snowshoed and boated all around this region for over 40 years. Love and Respect of nature is deeply rooted in his core beliefs. He is volunteering for INLC, to give back in a positive effort, to the natural wonders of our environment around Spokane!
Mark’s goals for Guided Hikes; to get outside for some exercise, to have fun, to learn a little about the land we’re hiking on AND to learn a little more about INLC. Let’s get hiking!
For the past twenty years Bob Ganahl has enjoyed the Inland Northwest’s great outdoors. Prior to that he lived in the Eastern Sierra.
He’s a member of the Spokane Mountaineers and of the Washington Trails Association, and he participates in the conservation efforts of both groups. He was once a Boy Scout, a Search and Rescue volunteer, and an outdoor-sports program coordinator.
A retired teacher, he nowadays skis when there’s snow and backpacks when there isn’t. He is equally enamored of all four seasons outside.
Alana is a Spokane native and received her degree in anthropology from the University of Idaho. Her education and interest in Indigenous people and their use of plant life helped facilitate her opening of Wander Spokane, a business providing several guided walking excursions and tours around the Spokane area.
Andi has lived in Spokane with her partner John since 2010 and enjoys engaging trails in all seasons. Whether in boots, snowshoes, alongside one of her two companion Bernese mountain dogs, or on skis, Andi seeks a mindful pace.
Working as a palliative care physician and healthcare ethicist has clarified the importance of living well and dying well together, in community with one another and the more-than-human world of plants, animals, and fungi. Finding peace through a practice of place, she seeks to become naturalized to healing landscapes and invite others on the journey.
In her spare time, Andi loves tending a quarter-acre microfarm and hosting interfaith ecospirituality retreats.
Brenda is a veterinarian by trade and an avid birder. Brenda is always on the lookout for different birds/mammals and is likely to stop and observe interesting species.
She also loves to hike and photograph all birds and mammals but she is especially interested in owls.
On most of her hikes Brenda will be the one carrying a camera!
Barb has been a member of INLC for many years. Her love of the sound of wind through trees, wildflowers, birds basically the restorative properties of nature led her to an organization protecting our wild places, INLC.
Her early years were spent backpacking into the Sierra Mountains with her family. They skied, enjoyed the ocean in general spent time outdoors. Spokane offered easily accessible outdoor activities with her boys. They are fortunate to live near Riverside State Park where they caught crawdads, fished and hiked.
Having been in education she’s comfortable leading hikes with all ages. She has a basic knowledge of common wildflowers with a handy app to identify those she doesn’t know.
Barb still prefers to be outside, gardening, hiking or just soaking up sun, rain or snow.
Patti’s love of natural spaces started when she was a child. Growing up on a small farm in the Spokane Valley, she and her siblings spent most day’s outdoors horseback riding, riding bikes, & general exploring. This outdoor therapy has carried on into her senior year’s.
After retiring, Patti began volunteering with the McDowell Sonoran Preserve in Scottsdale, Az., which sparked her interest in becoming involved in her hometown during summer season in Spokane area.
It warms Patti’s heart to connect & educate others, to see the beauty nature provides for us all. INLC goals for preservation, allowing recreation, to share knowledge about our wetlands, & wildlife corridors is powerful for our community.
Rick has been hiking and enjoying the outdoors since his childhood exploring the central Cascade Range with his dad and grandfather. Backpacking trips on his path to becoming an Eagle Scout, led to an interest in mountaineering and rock climbing. He has ascended most of the Cascade volcanoes and scrambled to the tops of many peaks throughout the Pacific Northwest.
Moving to Spokane in 1981 to pursue education in graphic design, Rick has made Spokane his home ever since. After owning his own graphic design and marketing firm in Spokane for 35 years, in 2022 his company was acquired by 116 & West, an advertising agency headquartered in Boise. That transition provided Rick time to consider other ways to give back to the community — and introducing people to the beauty and diversity of the Inland Northwest’s natural environment, along with its plants, wildlife, geology and cultural history is a perfect fit for his interests.
When not hiking, Rick enjoys reading, drawing, flatwater kayaking, mountain biking, and backroad motorcycling. Staying active in mind and body is key to aging with style, and as he heads for retirement, Rick is excited to share the Inland Northwest Land Conservancy’s critical mission with those interested in conserving, managing and exploring the natural world.
Kellie grew up in Western Washington with lots of time spent outdoors particularly in the Columbia Gorge and Mt. Hood.
Kellie and her husband, Carl, moved to Spokane in 2019, after she attended college in Montana and we spent sometime in Iowa.
Kellie enjoys hiking and backpacking with their two dogs, as well as trail running, fishing and snow sports. She is always looking for an excuse to do anything outside!
While adventuring Kellie loves taking photos, identifying plants, and snacking on ALL the huckleberries.
“The moment my legs begin to move, my thoughts begin to flow.” – Henry David Thoreau
Originally from Florida, Chris Kirby moved to the inland northwest in 2008 to take a position teaching philosophy and environmental ethics at Eastern Washington University. As a hobby jogger, he quickly discovered the fantastic trails of our region were a perfect place to combine running with his love of the outdoors. He has been an avid trailrunner and hiker ever since…
He joins the INLC hike docent team with the hope of building a local community of thoughtful hikers interested in gaining wisdom from the natural world.
Elizabeth is an outdoor enthusiast. She loves to be outside. Hiking and skiing are two of her passions. A few of her favorite hiking trails include Glenrose Cliffs, Iller Creek, the Bluffs, and Towell Falls. Elizabeth likes to hike in all kinds of weather. A raincoat, headlamp, spikes, or snowshoes make it possible to be outside all year.
Elizabeth also has had some great experiences backpacking. One of her biggest accomplishments was climbing Mount Adams.
She retired from teaching high school at the end of the 2023-2024 school year. During her career as a teacher she taught math and a variety of other subjects to high school students. Elizabeth also coached tennis for twenty years. She likes interacting with other people of all ages.
Please join Elizabeth for a hike. She would love to share her enthusiasm with you.
Raised in South Florida, Mike served in the Air Force after college eventually settling out west in Colorado where he started working with REI. For nearly 25 years Mike managed REI stores and became an avid outdoorsman, taking up rock climbing, canyoneering, mountain biking, trail runs and triathlons, watersports, wintersports, and even yoga!
Mike loves traveling and has visited 55 countries thus far, backpacking Europe, exploring the Middle East and Asia, and venturing across Africa and South America. At home, he enjoys game nights, bingeing TV shows, landscaping, and baking/cooking.
In 2020, with his amazing wife Erin and two boys, Kellan and Chase they made Spokane our home and began exploring the Pacific Northwest. From Green Bluff and the surrounding region to Spokane’s awesome food and wine scene, incredible college sports, rich community events, gorgeous parks system, and abundant recreation.
Mike can’t wait to meet you and get outside to enjoy our local trails!
Joe moved to Spokane from Missoula, Montana, while studying wildlife biology at the University of Montana. He did backpacking trips into Glacier National Park and numerous day hikes in the surrounding national forest.
Joe moved to Spokane in 1988 and entered the mortgage industry. He is now recently retired!
Joe spends a lot of his spare time doing day hikes, mountain biking, along with snowshoeing in the winter. He enjoys going on INLC hikes, learning about different areas and meeting new people.
When Bernadine first moved to Spokane in 2006 from Dallas, she felt like a kid in a candy store with so many outdoor recreating options. The area motto was “Near Nature; Near Perfect” and for Bernadine that still sums up her description of the Inland Northwest.
She grew up in flat Illinois; the mountains and forests here were a dream come true. She has embraced the opportunities for hiking, biking, snow skiing, and paddle boarding. Her favorite local hikes are Waikiki Springs Granite Trail, Knothead Valley Loop, and Liberty Lake Loop. Nothing boosts Bernadine’s mood like getting outdoors and hiking — especially with friends.
Bernadine is honored to become a hike docent with INLC and looks forward to guiding hikes throughout the region. Happy trails.