Mushroom Foray with Rich Leon – Iller Creek Conservation Area
September 1, 2015
September 1, 2015
Sunday, October 4
10:00 AM -2:00 PM
Explore Iller Creek with Rich Leon to search for mushrooms and other wild edibles. Hopefully the mushrooms will cooperate and show themselves despite the drought. Even if they do not, there is lots to see and it’s a lovely walk.
We’ll meet at 10:00 at the Iller Creek trailhead on Holman Road, stop for lunch around noon, and be back at the parking lot by 2:00. Feel free to leave early if you need to. We will go rain or shine.
This is a leisurely walk with plenty of stops and is suitable for all ages. There is some elevation gain. Those who wish may take the more strenuous hike all the way to the Rocks of Sharon for a stunning view of the Palouse.
Dogs on leash are welcome. Parking is limited so please try to carpool. This is a County park so you do NOT need a Discover Pass
INLC staff will be on hand to talk about INLC and its role in conserving Iller Creek and other special places.
Bring water, lunch, and camera (optional). You will want comfortable walking shoes.
Please call the office at 509-328-2939 or email Jolene at to let us know you are coming. But feel free to attend even if you do not call ahead.
For map and directions to trail head.