Reflecting on the Past, Preparing for the Future

September 20, 2024

By Gillian Rowe, Philanthropy and Communications Assistant

Some may remember when your Conservancy had three staff members and went by Inland Northwest Land Trust, but many will not. I find myself in the latter group, having only been introduced to the Conservancy a year and a half ago when I joined the team’s philanthropy and communications department. The beginning felt like how many newcomers described their first days on the job as “drinking from the firehose,” as I worked to absorb as much institutional knowledge as possible.

These days, I feel more settled. I recognize more names, faces, and acronyms. I’m not even the newest member of the team anymore! When asked how things are at work, my first response is often “Busy!” It turns out the more you settle in…the more responsibilities you’re given.

I’m alone* in the office this Friday afternoon, flipping through the archive of past newsletters, looking for inspiration for this week’s blog post. I find myself smiling as I turn the pages of our Summer 2001 quarterly newsletter. I’m surprised at how familiar these stories feel. The people mentioned, and the projects discussed are still relevant to our work today – over twenty years later.

As I reflect on the Conservancy’s past, I think…

“It’s incredible how some folks have been supporting the Conservancy for so long”

“Wow the quality of photography has improved immensely in the last two decades.”

“Look at how much the Conservancy has accomplished…”

As a member of the communications team, it’s easy to constantly be looking for the newest, biggest, shiniest project to craft a story about. It’s easy to forget about past successes – past successes that made us who we are today. Many are unaware of the binders worth of success stories the Conservancy has been a part of. So, I thought I would share one with you.

Whether this is a new story for you or a point of nostalgia, here is an excerpt from the Summer 2001 Inland Northwest Land Trust Newsletter.

So, while we may have grown our staff and annual operating budget, the heart of our work has remained the same. Thank you for taking a moment to reflect on the past, we can’t wait to have you as a part of our future.

*most staff work remotely from home on Fridays!