Relish every drop of water
December 17, 2015
December 17, 2015
We all hate to think about icy days on the roads, snow, and blowing winds. But over the coming months I would like to you take a different attitude, embracing the snow and rain.
Each year INLC produces small winter greenery arrangements to give to our grantors and top donors. The pine and cedar boughs we used come from two conservation easements – the Susan Camp easement and the Carder Hanson easement. In both cases these landowners are highly attuned to the health of their habitat. It was interesting this year as both landowners pointed out the small brown ends of the pine needles. Although the browning was slight, these trees are showing the effects of past dry years.
We often talk about how our conservation easement holders truly love their land. Here are two examples of the close relationship these owners have with their land and its flora. Both landowners are concerned about the climate and its impact on those places they love.
So let’s all relish every drop and snowflake over the coming months.