Salmon-Safe: Promoting Community Watershed Resiliency pt. 2

August 2, 2024

By Brian Muegge, Salmon-Safe’s Farm Program Manager

Salmon-Safe: Promoting Community Watershed Resiliency pt. 1

As an example of our work to promote watershed health and resiliency in the market, Salmon-Safe, Brick West Brewing, and Inland Northwest Land Conservancy have partnered over the past several years to host the annual River Reunion event. Hosted at Brick West Brewing, the brewery releases a beer sourced from grain and hops grown in our farm program, and several other place-based stakeholder groups working to promote watershed health and resource conservation are invited to participate and interact with the public.

It’s a fun event focused on engaging and educating citizens on the conservation efforts underway in the greater Spokane region—from promoting conservation–focused farming, mitigating stormwater runoff, and conserving water in urban spaces to tribally led efforts to introduce salmon back into our local watersheds. Nonprofit and local government organizations such as Spokane Riverkeeper, Spokane River Forum, Spokane Conservation District, Spokane Audubon, Waterwise Spokane, and Spokane County Water Resources participate and engage with anyone interested in learning.

Does it sound fun? We all certainly think so! So come down to Brick West Brewing on Thursday, August 22, from 4 pm—8 pm to sample a Salmon-Safe beer, grab a bite, listen to live music, and learn a thing or two about how committed this community is to conserving our watersheds for future generations.