Upcoming Events with INLC
February 11, 2022
February 11, 2022
Spring is around the corner, and with that plenty of opportunities to get out on the land with your conservancy! Connect to the natural world by getting your hands dirty with trail work or embracing the stories of the past with a hike at Waikiki Springs.
March 5- Tree Thinning at Rimrock to Riverside. Thinning out dense thickets of tree, known as doghair, is an important part of healthy forest management. We will be using handsaws and loppers (provided by INLC) to thin thick areas of doghair Ponderosa to enhance the overall health of ponderosa pine stands. Register here.
March 12- Waikiki Springs hike with historian Ty Brown. Join local author and historian, Ty Brown, to learn about Waikiki Springs Nature Preserve’s rich history. This is a family friendly hike! Register here.
April 1- Waikiki Springs Trail Work Party. It’s time to jump back into trail building out at Waikiki! These trails are sustainably built to protect wildlife habitat and provide access for recreating around the preserve. No experience is necessary, and tools will be provided. Register here.
April 9- Tree Thinning at Waikiki Springs Nature Preserve. Join our stewardship team on April 9, from 9am-1pm to thin out doghair ponderosa pines throughout Waikiki Springs. Your work will help create adequate resources for remaining trees to thrive and ensure a healthy forest habitat. Register here.